"Patient matters! How can we improve hip arthroplasty outcome in osteoarthritis and hip fracture patients?"

Satellite symposium during virtual EFORT congress 2021

Do we act according to the existing evidence to achieve best outcome?

During EFORT congress this question was discussed in the session “Patient matters! How can we improve hip arthroplasty outcome in osteoarthritis and hip fracture patients?”.

Take a deeper look together with the internationally renowned faculty at existing evidence and clinical practice in specific patient groups. Specially the reduction of complication like periprosthetic fractures or infections should undoubtedly be goal in hip arthroplasty to provide sustainable solutions for the patients.

Introduction "Improving outcome of hip arthroplasty"

Prof. Søren Overgaard emphasises that sustainability matters for the patient. Relevant factors for a good outcome are patient selection, surgical procedure and rehabilitation.

Duration: 11:04

Lecture "Patients at risk for periprosthetic fracture"

Dr. Georgios Chatziagorou shows in his lecture data regarding the role of age, gender, stem fixation and stem design as risk factors for periprosthetic fracture.

Duration: 09:23

Expert discussion and polls

Prof. Søren Overgaard and Prof. Nils Hailer discuss questions from the audience and treatment options for patients presented in poll questions.

Duration: 15:10

Lecture "Hip fracture patients"

Prof. Nils Hailer describes hip fracture patients and shows the advantages of cemented fixation for this patient group.

Duration: 12:00

Expert discussion and wrap up: "The uncemented Paradoxon"

After the final expert discussion and poll questions Prof. Søren Overgaard summarizes the uncemented paradoxon and gives reasons for this phenomenon.

Duration: 12:05

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